Now by now you should know that I like your work. With that said, this one is lacking something for me. It doesn't say spring, with to be is bright and bold. This one seems sad and cold. But as I have said before that is just my view and somethings it is a little jaded.
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All of the world's great wisdom traditions say it: "The Eternal is Now." Photography, for me, is an excercise in being in tune with the Eternal.
Sometimes I am inspired to find the Eternal because I have read a passage of scripture. Sometimes I am overwhelmed with the sheer magnitude of the beauty that is around me. Sometimes I am drawn into the small quiet places and spaces.
Now by now you should know that I like your work. With that said, this one is lacking something for me. It doesn't say spring, with to be is bright and bold. This one seems sad and cold. But as I have said before that is just my view and somethings it is a little jaded.
I'll give you that - it does have a lack of brightness and boldness. Perhaps "young leaves" rather than "spring"?
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