It's been cold, rainy, and holy (week, that is!) around here lately so I've not gotten out to shoot in a while. However, I do want to direct your attention to serial photographer.
If you enjoy looking at photographs on a daily basis, this is the site for you. I don't know the photographer's name, gender, or age (but I prefer to think of "her" as a 40-something woman). All I know is that I check my feed reader everyday hoping that another frame has been posted to "her" photoblog.
Every shot is golden. The use of negative space is outrageously good. There is a calm, contemplative tone to each of her shots, and I find myself soaking everything of her's in that I can because of the inspiration that comes from it.
I've got her listed on the right under the "Good Eye" section, but add her to your feedreader for a daily dose of Eternal goodness.