Friday, March 9, 2007

little boxes

Six months ago I moved from the urban core of Louisville to a suburb of Kansas City. To say the least, the adjustment has been...odd.

Street after street of cookie cutter houses are making me want to vomit (apologies if you live in one and like it). Everytime I drive past a sub-division (which is all the time), I sing gently in my head,

Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky -
Little boxes on the hillside
and they all look just the same.
There's a yellow one and a green one and a pink one and a purple one,
and they're all made out of ticky tacky,
and they all look just the same...
Thanks, Malvina Reynolds. It felt good to be self-righteous for just a moment.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

trees on hospital hill

I went out for a landscape shoot today, and returned with four really pleasing (to me anyway!) images of trees. I had recently read an article about Paul Kozal which had some stunning shots of fog laden treescapes that I felt inspired by. As I was driving past the hospital here in Liberty, I saw four trees and a stump up on the ridge line and knew that this was my chance to work out my own vision of trees.

I did not even come close to Kozal's style, and that's okay wih me. First of all, he usually shoots in foggy weather and today was the brightest that ol' Mizzou has been for a while. Second, Kozal echos the pictoralists and I am more of a "straight photography" guy (think Ansel Adams and Edward Weston). His shots are so dense and textured. I preferred a more airy feeling. But the guy is a great eye, and I'm glad his work has pushed me a bit.

I'm very partial to this one, called hospital hill I. I liked the composition when I was standing on the side of the road, but I liked it even more when I got home and looked at it on the computer. I hadn't noticed the birds when I hit the shutter release. What a stroke of luck!

Anyway, if you want to see the other three in the series, click here.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

scripture prints

Part of the work that I have posted for sale are the eight prints below. Each print is accompanied by a passage of scripture (except mother+child). I hope they are a non-cheesy way that folks can keep scripture and theological truths in front of them in a helpful way.

All prints in this series start at $18.49, and if you would like it framed, you will find no better quality than what the good folks at ImageKind can provide.

Click here (or any of the prints) to access the gallery.

Monday, March 5, 2007

prints for sale

Many of the shots that have been featured on this blog (and several others) are now for sale in my galleries at ImageKind. To access and purchase, please click here.